Morse - basement excavation. Fever River Archeologist Floyd Mansburger stands on ladder to excavate the top of the brick cistern. Maintenance Worker Al McHenry props the ladder from below, Supt. Norman Hellmers yells something down to Al. Maintenance Worker Doug Sharp waits in cushman on left. Backhoe sits at side of pit. Looking West from Morse Lot (Block 10, Lots 15-16) Morse, foundation, archeology, Fever River, staff, backhoe, cushman

Morse - basement excavation. Fever River Archeologist Floyd Mansburger stands on ladder to excavate the top of the brick cistern. Maintenance Worker Al McHenry props the ladder from below, Supt. Norman Hellmers yells something down to Al. Maintenance Worker Doug Sharp waits in cushman on left. Backhoe sits at side of pit. Looking West from…

Morse - baseament excavation. Maintenance Worker Vee Pollack operating backhoe while waste hauler truck waits in alley. Latticework from Conference Center in background center. Looking West from Morse Lot (Block 10, Lots 15-16) Morse, foundation, Conference Center, backhoe, staff

Morse - baseament excavation. Maintenance Worker Vee Pollack operating backhoe while waste hauler truck waits in alley. Latticework from Conference Center in background center. Looking West from Morse Lot (Block 10, Lots 15-16) Morse, foundation, Conference Center, backhoe, staff

Morse - Basement excavation (cistern found). Maintenance worker Doug Sharp leans on ladder, Historian Tim Townsend chats with contract Archeologist (with shovel) from Fever River Floyd Mansberger. Maintenance worker Ed Smith chats with Supt. Norman Hellmers as Maintenance Work Leader Vee Pollack removes dirt with backhoe from around brick cistern in center. Looking Southwest in middle of Morse lot (Block 10, Lots 15-16) Morse House, foundation, cistern, archeology, restoration, staff, Fever River, backhoe

Morse - Basement excavation (cistern found). Maintenance worker Doug Sharp leans on ladder, Historian Tim Townsend chats with contract Archeologist (with shovel) from Fever River Floyd Mansberger. Maintenance worker Ed Smith chats with Supt. Norman Hellmers as Maintenance Work Leader Vee Pollack removes dirt with backhoe from around brick cistern in center. Looking Southwest in…

Morse - Basement excavation (cistern found). Maintenance worker Doug Sharp leans on ladder, Fever River Archeologist Floyd Mansberger (with shovel), Supt. Norman Hellmers, Maintenance Worker Ed Smith and Historian Tim Townsend watch as Maintenance Worker Vee Pollack works back hoe. Brick cistern is revealed in center. Lincoln Home in background right. B-2 in background center left. Looking South/Southeast from Morse lot (Block 10, Lots 15-16) Morse, foundation, cistern, archeology, staff, Lincoln Home, B-2, backhoe, Fever River

Morse - Basement excavation (cistern found). Maintenance worker Doug Sharp leans on ladder, Fever River Archeologist Floyd Mansberger (with shovel), Supt. Norman Hellmers, Maintenance Worker Ed Smith and Historian Tim Townsend watch as Maintenance Worker Vee Pollack works back hoe. Brick cistern is revealed in center. Lincoln Home in background right. B-2 in background center…

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