Testing the Lincoln Home wheelchair lift. Photographer facing north.
Keyword: Access
Testing the Lincoln Home wheelchair lift. Photographer facing north.
Lincoln Home wheelchair lift at full height, with empty wheelchair. Photographer facing north.
Lincoln Home wheelchair lift, fully retracted, with empty wheelchair. Photographer facing north west.
Lincoln Home front gate, steps, and handrail. Photographer facing south east.
Lincoln Home front/west entrance gate and removable handrail. Photographer facing north west.
Lincoln Home front gate, steps, and handrail. Photographer facing east.
A man in a wheelchair waits on the Lincoln home back yard boardwalk while chatting with a Lincoln Home staff member. Photographer facing east.
A man in a wheelchair waits on the Lincoln home back yard boardwalk while chatting with a Lincoln Home staff member. Visitors in the background. Photographer facing north east.
A view of the Lincoln Home back yard, post 1987-88 restoration. Photographer facing north east.