Lincoln Home front (West) elevation. A white picket fence surround the front of the Home. Boxwood bushes line front. Front door is painted same green as shutters. Large tree is visible on right. Corneau House is visible on left. Paint looks faded. Looking East/Northeast from ladder(?) at 8th and Jackson Street intersection. Lincoln Home, Corneau, 8th, Jackson, green front door, white picket fence

Lincoln Home front (West) elevation. A white picket fence surround the front of the Home. Boxwood bushes line front. Front door is painted same green as shutters. Large tree is visible on right. Corneau House is visible on left. Paint looks faded. Looking East/Northeast from ladder(?) at 8th and Jackson Street intersection. Lincoln Home, Corneau,…

Lincoln Home front (West) elevation with visitors gathering in front of house listening to ranger in ranger hat on left standing in street. Other visitors visible on back porch and walking along boarwalk on south side of house. Trash barrels on corners near intersection. Fire hydrant on brick plaza near corner of house. Corneau House on far left. Electrical lines seen overhead. Looking Northeast from 8th and Jackson Street intersection Lincoln Home, visitors, staff, Corneau, trash barrels, fire hydrant, 8th, Jackson

Lincoln Home front (West) elevation with visitors gathering in front of house listening to ranger in ranger hat on left standing in street. Other visitors visible on back porch and walking along boarwalk on south side of house. Trash barrels on corners near intersection. Fire hydrant on brick plaza near corner of house. Corneau House…

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