Lincoln Home Archeology B4F42P139

Cistern and water supply/roof drain of the Lincoln Home, in the back yard. Archeologist sits on boardwalk rails, speaking to a second person. Photographer facing south.

Lincoln Home Archeology B7F9P41

Cistern and water supply/roof drain of the Lincoln Home, in the back yard. Archeologist sits on boardwalk rails, recording details of the drain. Photographer facing south.

Lincoln Home Archeology B7F7P12

Cistern and roof drain in the back yard of the Lincoln Home. A water meter or access pipe sits in the middle background, with the south porch off to the back right. Photographer facing south.

Grounds B4F6P34

Exterior floodlight for the Lincoln Home in back yard, south east of Home, on slope between south fence and yard. Photographer facing east.

Archeology B4F8P26

Lincoln Home ground water well, located under east porch of the Lincoln Home. This well was rendered inoperable when the east section of the home was moved south 6' in 1846. Photographer facing south.

Plaster B4F8P2

Signatures located on plaster in the Lincoln Home, circa 190(?) and 1945. Location unknown.

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