Lincoln Home Pre-Restoration B4F6P42

Fencing, retaining wall capstones, capped pipe or flagpole, drains, and sewer cover/drain located in the southwest corner of the Lincoln Home lot. Photographer facing west.

Lincoln Home Pre-Restoration B4F6P40

Two water meters for the Lincoln Home. Photo is a composite of 61979 and 61977. These were most likely on the north side of the Lincoln Home and were probably removed during the 1987-1988 restoration. They no longer exist.

Lincoln Home Pre-Restoration B4F6P182

Drain pipe on the south east corner of the Lincoln Home, near the south porch. Photo is prior to or during the Lincoln Home restoration of 1987-88. Photographer facing west.

Lincoln Home Pre-Restoration B4F6P167

Spigot along the foundation of the Lincoln Home, probably on north wall. All Lincoln Home exterior spigots were eliminated around 2012. Photographer probably facing north east.

Lincoln Home Archeology B4F42P3

Cistern and water supply/roof drain of the Lincoln Home, in the back yard. Archeologist sits on boardwalk rails, recording details of the drain. Photographer facing north.

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