NA neg. sleeve (Home Restoration) Lincoln, Home, Restoration, back, yard, walkway, sidewalk
Inside/Outside: Outside
Superintendent Gentry Davis near the Lincoln Home pantry giving a tour to a VIP group after the Restoration of the Lincoln Home. The Corneau House and Conference Center appear in the background. Photographer facing north.
Superintendent Gentry Davis and LIHO Historian George Painter near the Lincoln Home pantry giving a tour to a VIP group after the Restoration of the Lincoln Home. The Corneau House appears in the background. Photographer facing north west.
Superintendent Gentry Davis and LIHO Historian George Painter near the Lincoln Home pantry giving a tour to a VIP group after the Restoration of the Lincoln Home. The Corneau House appears in the background. Photographer facing north west.
Superintendent Gentry Davis and LIHO Historian George Painter near the Lincoln Home pantry giving a tour to a VIP group after the Restoration of the Lincoln Home. The Corneau House appears in the background. Photographer facing north west.
A close up of the gutter system over the Lincoln cistern well during the 1987-1988 restoration. Photographer facing west.
A section of demolished gutter above the second floor the Lincoln Home. A staff member continues demolition in the background.
Close-up of one of the gutter drains of the Lincoln Home.
One of the spotlights for the Lincoln Home.
One of the spotlights for the Lincoln Home, located on the south side of the lot, along the south retaining wall fence line. Photographer facing south west.