1st visitors to restored Lincoln Home, including a small group of Russian educators - June 14, 1988 Lincoln Home Rededication. Photographer facing south east.
Event: Reopening
Superintendent Gentry Davis and LIHO Historian George Painter near the Lincoln Home pantry giving a tour to a VIP group after the Restoration of the Lincoln Home. The Corneau House appears in the background. Photographer facing north west.
A group of donors mingle on the brick plaza of the Lincoln Home during the 1988 reopening of the Lincoln Home. A single ranger stands in the background. Photographer facing south west.
Two rangers speak to a group of donors during the reopening of the Lincoln Home in 1988. A third ranger stands in the background. Photographer facing south west.
NA Reopening Portraits, 57 Lincoln, Home, Rededication
NA Reopening Portraits, 57 Lincoln, Home, Rededication
114th 47-34 Lincoln, Home, Restoration, Rededication, 114th
NA Reopening Portraits, 57 Lincoln, Home, Rededication
NA Reopening Portraits, 57 Lincoln, Home, Rededication
NA Reopening Portraits, 57 Lincoln, Home, Rededication