Grounds B4F6P34

Exterior floodlight for the Lincoln Home in back yard, south east of Home, on slope between south fence and yard. Photographer facing east.

Lincoln Home Pre-Restoration B4F6P29

One of the water spigots for the Lincoln Home, probably along the north side of the home. All exterior spigots around the Lincoln Home were eliminated around 2012.

Lincoln Home Pre-Restoration B4F6P183

A vent and window space for the basement along the south side of the Lincoln Home. The vent was bricked up, and the window replaced, during the 1987-88 restoration. Photographer facing north.

Archeology B4F6P11

Archeology or work pit on east side of home with a pipe in the trench. Foundation brickwork at top of photograph. Photographer standing on boardwalk in back yard, facing west.

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