Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B3F26P10

Three workers building fencing along the north line of the Lincoln Home lot. Lincoln Home in background, left; Corneau house (pre-move) in the background, center. Photographer facing northwest.

Interpretation B6F3P8

1st tour group ready to tour the Lincoln Home after the 1987-88 Restoration - June 14, 1988. Four staff members in photo, including Richard Lusardi in lower left corner. Photographer facing west, from Lincoln Home front stairs.

Lincoln Home B5F33P9

Child walking by a section of bunting on the south west corner of the Lincoln Home retaining wall. Chairs visible in background for restoration ceremony. Photographer facing north west.

VIP Tour B6F43P20

LIHO park superintendent Gentry Davis (in grey suit, far left) giving a tour to a group of vip's on the brick plaza of the Lincoln Home. The Corneau house can be seen in the left background. Photographer facing north east.

Lincoln Home Reopening B6F41P72

A group of donors mingle on the brick plaza of the Lincoln Home during the 1988 reopening of the Lincoln Home. A single ranger stands in the background. Photographer facing south west.

Lincoln Home Reopening B6F41P69

Two rangers speak to a group of donors during the reopening of the Lincoln Home in 1988. A third ranger stands in the background. Photographer facing south west.

Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B4F8P12

Recessed concrete form in place west of the Lincoln Home, ready for pouring. The concrete will form a foundation for the concrete/stone steps leading up to the Lincoln Home, hidden by soil, sand, and the bricks that make up the plaza. The west retaining wall sits behind the form, with an opening for the second…

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