The Home of Lincoln, draped for his funeral, May 4, 1865
Welcome to Lincoln Home National Historic Site’s digitized image archives!

Here you’ll find a variety of photos of the Lincoln Home, the neighborhood around the Home, and people and events that have been a part of the site’s history since 1971.

draped home

Curators at the Lincoln Home National Historic Site collected and categorized thousands of photographs over the years. Visit some of their Featured Collections.


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Featured Collections

For more Collections, visit our Collections Archive. There you will find curated photos on topics we’ve found interesting in the past and might be inspired to suggest an idea for a future exhibit.

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More photos than your niece’s Instagram

30,792 photos to search! We’ve spent the past 30 years digitizing and cataloging our collections and there’s still more work to be done!

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Did you know…

When the Lincoln’s moved to this home in 1844 with their first son Robert, it was only a one-story house. By 1856 they added (and needed!) a second story to accommodate their growing family.

woman spinning

Picture of the Month

A reenactor demonstrates the use of a spinning wheel in this hauntingly beautiful photo. Learn more.